Friday, May 22, 2020

Requisitos perdón para visa americana no inmigrante

El recurso legal conocido como perdà ³n o waiver Hrankan podrà ­a ser la solucià ³n para las personas extranjeras que no pueden obtener o recuperar una visa no inmigrante para EE.UU. porque se les considera como inadmisbiles, segà ºn las leyes migratorias estadounidenses. Tambià ©n podrà ­an beneficiarse de este recurso los extranjeros que, por esta misma causa de inadmisibilidad, no pueden ingresar a EE.UU, aà ºn teniendo un visado vigente o, en el caso de los canadienses, aà ºn cuando no lo necesitan para cierto tipo de ingresos. Perdà ³n para sacar o renovar visa americana no inmigrante La waiver Hrankan puede perdonar casi todas las causas de inadmisibilidad, como delitos, consumo de drogas, uso documentacià ³n falsa, estancia ilegal en EE.UU. y otras.Dependiendo del caso, la documentacià ³n se presenta en consulado o se envà ­a a la CBP.Decide sobre la aprobacià ³n o negacià ³n de la waiver un oficial de la ARO, en Washington D.C.Costo puede ser gratis o $930, dependiendo del caso.El tiempo de demora de la tramitacià ³n suele ser inferior a seis meses 2 requisitos fundamentales de la waiver Hrankan Para que las autoridades migratorias consideren la aprobacià ³n de esta waiver– tambià ©n conocida como perdà ³n o permiso– es necesario que se den, al mismo tiempo, los siguientes requisitos fijados en el caso judicial conocido como Matter of Hrankan. Visa no inmigrante El solicitante de la waiver debe querer solicitar o tener vigente una visa no inmigrante. En esa categorà ­a se encuentran, entre otras, las de turista, estudiante, inversionista, intercambio, trabajo temporal, artistas, periodistas, religiosos y otras. Esto significa que esta waiver no aplica a los solicitantes de visas inmigrantes, para los cuales hay disponibles otro tipo de perdones con exigencias diferentes. El extranjeros es considerado inadmisible En cuanto al requisito de inadmisibilidad, se refiere a distintas situaciones enumeradas en la Seccià ³n 212 (a) de la Ley de Inmigracià ³n y Nacionalidad (INA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Por ejemplo, utilizacià ³n de documentacià ³n falsa, declaraciones falsas para la obtencià ³n de beneficio migratorio, problemas de salud, prostitucià ³n, condenas por ciertos delitos incluidos los considerados agravados, contrabando de personas, consumo de drogas, presencia ilegal en EE.UU. por mà ¡s de 180 dà ­as, etc.  ¿Cà ³mo y dà ³nde se solicita el perdà ³n Hranka? A la hora de solicitar este tipo de waiver pueden darse situaciones diferentes. Waiver en una oficina consular El waiver debe presentarse en el consulado de EE.UU. que corresponda segà ºn el lugar de residencia del solicitante cuando: la persona extranjera no tiene visa porque cuando la solicità ³ le fue negada o porque nunca aplicà ³.el solicitante tenà ­a una, pero està ¡ expirada.el solicitante es un ciudadano de un paà ­s en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados que no puede obtener o usar la ESTA porque perdià ³ ese privilegio. Debe contactarse con consulado donde al solicitante le corresponde pedir la visa para conocer las reglas del envà ­o de la solicitud del waiver, ya, que dependiendo de la oficina consular, podrà ­a hacerse por correo o puede que se requiera que se entregue personalmente. Tambià ©n es posible presentar la solicitud en el momento de entrevista en el consulado, si se està ¡ en el proceso de solicitar una visa. En todos estos casos, no hay un formulario oficial para pedir esta waiver ni tarifa de presentacià ³n. Sin embargo, debe presentarse una carta explicativa concisa de una o dos pà ¡ginas y en inglà ©s en el que se establece cuà ¡l es la ley que aplica. Al mismo tiempo, debe argumentarse en esa carta que el solicitante no es un riesgo para la sociedad y la razà ³n por la que quiere la visa. Es recomendable presentar declaraciones juradas traducidas al inglà ©s y evidencias documentales que sirvan para probar que el solicitante merece que le aprueben la waiver. Por ejemplo, que el problema que convirtià ³ a la persona en inadmisible ocurrià ³ hace tiempo y que, desde entonces, no ha cometido delitos, està ¡ integrada en la sociedad, etc. Tambià ©n debe presentarse original y fotocopia de cualquier condena criminal previa. Ademà ¡s, el solicitante debe probar que, en caso hipotà ©tico de aprobà ¡rsele tanto el visado como el perdà ³n, tiene previsto regresar a su paà ­s despuà ©s del viaje a EE.UU. Una vez presentada la solicitud de la waiver, el oficial consular revisa la solicitud y, si lo considera necesario, pedirà ¡ mà ¡s documentacià ³n. Si considera que la waiver no debe ser aprobada, no remitirà ¡ a Oficina de Revisià ³n de Admisibilidad (ARO, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) y que es la autoridad ubicada en Washington D.C. que debe decidir sobre la waiver. En este caso, el solicitante de la waiver tiene la opcià ³n de pedir al Departamento de Estado que revise la peticià ³n. Por otro lado, si el oficial consular considera que la waiver debe ser aprobada y asà ­ lo recomienda, enviarà ¡ la documentacià ³n a ARO, que decidirà ¡ sobre la misma. La carta para pedir el perdà ³n por inadmisibilidad para visa no inmigrante no tiene costo cuando se presenta la solicitud en consulado. Tampoco hay un formulario pre-establecido. Caso especial visa K Si el perdà ³n se solicita porque se quiere aplicar para la visa K de prometido de ciudadano, el oficial consular remitirà ¡ la peticià ³n de waiver al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En estos casos, el solicitante debe asegurarse de que cumple los requisitos para ajustar su estatus en EE.UU. Puesto migratorio terrestre designado de EE.UU. o la CBP Por otro lado, la peticià ³n de perdà ³n se debe presentar en un puesto migratorio terrestre o enviarla a la CBP de los EE.UU. cuando: el solicitante tiene una visa americana no inmigrante và ¡lida u otro documento de viaje và ¡lido.el solicitante es canadiense y no necesita visa Por ejemplo, Carlos Pà ©rez es un ciudadano colombiano y obtuvo una visa de turista. Viajà ³ a Estados Unidos y se quedà ³ en el paà ­s por 15 mà ¡s dà ­as del tiempo autorizado. Si Carlos viajara a EE.UU., el oficial del control migratorio no lo va a dejar entrar por esa violacià ³n migratoria. Otro ejemplo, Carolina Sotelo es tiene una visa americana de turista pero despuà ©s de obtenerla fue condenada por un delito. Si viaja a EE.UU. es muy posible que ese problema està © registrado en la base de datos de la CBP. Si es el caso, no la van a dejar ingresar. En estos casos, puede solicitarse la waiver y debe utilizarse el formulario I-192, Application for Advance Permission to Enter as a Noninmigrant. La presentacià ³n puede hacerse por correo, en persona en un puesto migratorio terrestre de EE.UU. calificado para ese efecto o electrà ³nicamente utilizando el sistema e-SAFE . La presentacià ³n debe hacerse varios meses antes de la fecha en la que se desea ingresar a EE.UU. Deberà ¡ llenarse tambià ©n el documento G-325 y enviar documentacià ³n de apoyo, como condenas, cargos pendientes o retirados, explicacià ³n personal de quà © fue lo que pasà ³. Se recomienda contactar con la Policà ­a Fronteriza –CBP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s– antes de la presentacià ³n del formulario. En caso de dudas sobre cà ³mo presentar la documentacià ³n, los abogados que llevan casos de clientes pueden dirigirse por correo electrà ³nico a Cabe destacar que los canadienses, ademà ¡s de poder presentarlo en un puesto migratorio terrestre tienen la opcià ³n de presentarlo en las oficinas conocidas como Pre-Clearance Port of Entry, previamente designados para estos efectos. El costo del formulario I-192 que se presenta a la CBP es de $585. Caso especial visas T y U Asimismo, cabe destacar que en el caso de solicitantes de la visa T para và ­ctimas de trà ¡fico de personas grave o la visa U para và ­ctimas de violencia que colaboran con las autoridades pueden enviar el formulario I-192 a USCIS a: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration ServicesVermont Service Center75 Lower Welden St.St. Albans, VT 05479-0001 El costo del formulario I-192 es de $930 si se presenta a USCIS, si bien los solicitantes de las visas U y T podrà ­a calificar para la exencià ³n de la tarifa.  ¿Cuà ¡nto tiempo tarda en resolverse la waiver? El ARO es la oficina encargada de decidir sobre la peticià ³n de este tipo de waiver, tanto en los casos en los que la solicitud se presenta en un consulado como en los que se presenta ante la CBP. Si la solicitud se presentà ³ en un consulado, el tiempo mà ­nimo de espera por el resultado es de entre 60 y 120 dà ­as, aunque como regla general las peticiones se està ¡n resolviendo entre 150 y 180 dà ­as. Por otro lado, si la solicitud se presentà ³ ante la CBP, el tiempo mà ­nimo de espera es de entre 90 y 120 dà ­as, si bien en la mayorà ­a de los casos se demora en resolver entre 150 y 180 dà ­as. En ambos casos, pueden producirse demoras mà ¡s largas.  ¿Quà © tiene en cuenta el oficial de ARO para aprobar o negar la waiver? Los oficiales migratorios que deben aprobar esta waiver deben tener en cuenta: la gravedad de la causa de inadmisibilidadla razà ³n por la que el solicitante desea sacar la visa, que puede ser estudiar, visitar a familiar, tratamiento mà ©dico, turismo y otras.el riesgo de daà ±o a la sociedad, si la visa es aprobada A diferencia de lo que ocurre con otra clase de waiver, en este caso no es necesario probar razones humanitarias ni emergencia o beneficio para EE.UU. Los oficiales migratorios a cargo de cada solicitud de waiver cuentan con un amplio grado de discrecià ³n para decidir sobre su aprobacià ³n o negacià ³n. Sin embargo, debe negar la solicitud siempre y cuando se dà © alguna de las circunstancias siguientes respecto al solicitante: se sospecha que puede realizar una actividad ilegal, de espionaje o sabotaje en EE.UU.realiza actividades que pueden perjudicar la polà ­tica exterior de ha participado en actos de tortura, genocidio, asesinatos extrajudiciales o persecuciones nazis. El rechazo de la solicitud de waiver no se puede apelar. Si surgen nuevas circunstancias en el caso o es posible obtener otra documentacià ³n de apoyo podrà ¡ presentarse una nueva aplicacià ³n. Aprobacià ³n de la peticià ³n de waiver Si el ARO concede la solicitud, el perdà ³n puede tener una validez de hasta por cinco aà ±os. Sin embargo, lo mà ¡s frecuente es que la primera vez se conceda por sà ³lo medio aà ±o o incluso un aà ±o en el que se puede hacer varios viajes a EE.UU. Todos ellos por un tiempo inferior a tres meses. Cabe destacar que el perdà ³n no es suficiente para viajar ya que hay que tener una visa vigente por lo que, de no tenerla, debe solicitarse al consulado correspondiente. El consulado puede negar si considera que el solicitante no califica por alguna razà ³n para ello.  ¿Cuà ¡ndo la waiver Hrankan no es suficiente? Los extranjeros que desean ingresar a EE.UU. como no inmigrantes pero que han sido expulsados o deportados previamente de EE.UU. y està ¡n sujetos a un castigo de 5, 10, 20 o de por vida deben solicitar la waiver I-212, que tiene sus propios requisitos y que son mà ¡s duros que los de la waiver Hrankan. Abogados y waiver Los casos de solicitud de perdones migratorios son complejos, desde el punto de vista tà ©cnico y requieren, con carà ¡cter general, del conocimiento especializado de abogados. La Asociacià ³n de Abogados de Inmigracià ³n de Estados Unidos, conocida como AILA, brinda la posibilidad de buscar letrado por lugar de residencia. En los casos de deportacià ³n previa o remocià ³n exprà ©s el perdà ³n que debe solicitarse es el I-212, si se califica. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Negative Effects of Television and Video Games on...

American children watch on average, 4 hours of television daily and play 19 hours of video games a week. Television and video games are filled with violence these days. Exposure to violence on the television, on movies, and on video games negatively effects children behavior. Children are likely to copy the violence that they see on T.V., especially if a good guy is the one using violence. If no consequences are shown for violent behavior on T.V. or in video games, children are more likely to imitate that violence, because they think it is acceptable. Over 200 studies show that even a single exposure of violence in media increases physical aggression in the immediate situation. The more violent activities a child repeatedly views on television, the more normal it becomes. Punching, kicking, or pretending everything is a weapon are things that children who are overexposed to violence do. Over exposure to violence at a young causes desensitization toward violence and no sympathy for vi ctims of violence. When violence is repeated on the television or on video games, it becomes normal in a childs eyes. So when children see the same type of violence in a real life situation, its not as of a big deal as it should be. When violence or tragedy happens in the real world, no child should be so immune to violence that he or she isnt affected by it. If a child is less sensitive to violence, he or she is more likely to commit violent acts because there is nothing in their brain sayingShow MoreRelatedEng 1011630 Words   |  7 PagesViolence in Music Videos and Music Lyrics has a negative impact on children. Music videos that expose profanity and sexuality are inappropriate and leave a negative impression on young children. Violence in music videos can cause health problem. Music videos that promote negative lyrics are affecting young children. Music lyrics with vulgar languages affect the development and well-being of young children. For example, the study author ( Stone, 2009) found â€Å"that music with explicit referencesRead MoreMedia Effects On Children And Adolescents1521 Words   |  7 Pagessuch as watching television, using the computer, and talking on the phone. On the media we could learn and find out the information that we need. And we can also share our personal information on the media. Media gives us a lot of convenient in our life, but there are also some negative impacts. Media has a lot of negative impacts which it could be affected on children and adolescents. The article â€Å"Media and Risky Behaviors† by Escobar-Chaves is discussed about the media effects that cause the riskyRead MoreMedia Violence And Its Effect On Society1184 Words   |  5 PagesIn recent years, many scholars have begun to examine the negative effects of media violence. There is a debate on whether negative effects directly derive from media violence. Because media violence has been proven to have a negative effect on society, this essay will argue that there needs to be more censorship on media violence. I will first examine the influence media violence has on mass shootings. Next I will discuss a study relating to dating violence, certain movies and shows encourage datingRead MoreNegative Impact of Media Violence on Children1704 Words   |  7 Pagesintroduction of television in the middle of the century , mass media availability began to increase. By the year 1955 two-thirds of all homes in America were outfitted with a television set. This figure increa sed to around ninety-three percent by the end of that decade. So it is not surprising that today television and mass media are a part of virtually all Americans. The rise in media availability of all sorts has grasped a connection with a steep rise in media consumption among both children and adultsRead MoreThe Effects Of Television And Video Game Violence On Children899 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction The following paper will examine the negative effects of television and video game violence on children who watch and play these games. Speculation as to the causes of the recent mass shootings in American schools and other public places motivated me to pay more attention to violence on television and in video games and write this paper. Most of these horrible attacks on innocent people occurred by a teenager or young adult. Flipping through television channels, I started paying attention toRead MoreHow Technology Can Benefit A Child s Cognitive Development1061 Words   |  5 PagesChildren use a lot of technology. They use technology whether they are using social media, using a learning program, or reading an electronic book. The truth is, that there are more positives than negatives when children use technology. There is fear that if children use too much technology they will not have proper development especially cognitively. This paper will show how technology can benefit a child’s cognitive development. One benefit is young children can learn how to read while using aRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On Young Children1742 Words   |  7 Pages Abstract This paper intends to bring awareness to the harmful effects of the media on young children. Through this paper, I will investigate the claim that television promotes observational learning. I will describe the obscenities the media exposes to children. With that, I will explain how the media causes aggression in consumers, especially those of youth. This paper will also expound on the powerful effect modeling has on behavior. I will provide extensive examples of the impact ofRead MoreHow Media Affects The Socialization Of Children1562 Words   |  7 PagesHow Media Affects the Socialization of Children As mass media continues to expand through our use of everyday electronics, children s socialization skills may be suffering by the lack of face to face, physical, and natural interaction. Mass media like television, computers, radios, newspapers, video games and many others play a huge role in socialization in children. Children need interaction, and mass media offers no physical interaction at all. Children are spending more and more time in theRead MoreExposure to Violence and Videogames844 Words   |  3 Pagesbeen born into and raised in a generation where violence is idolized in video games and in the media. Although parents monitor and guide their children, â€Å"[the] media is everywhere. TV, Internet, computer and video games all vie for our childrens attention]† and often times are the sole free-time activity (American Academy of Pediatrics). As media monopolizes the adolescent generation, society has begun to look at the effects it may have especially material tha t promotes violence. Although much ofRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Children1034 Words   |  5 Pagesdeveloped in a way that even children are affected by technology. They enjoy video games in their leisure time and even prefer them to studying that, in its turn, can contribute to their poor performance in the class. These days, video games have become an issue that has brought concern to many people from parents to scholars about their potential effect on the future of children through influencing their conduct. They feel that the violent behavior or any other negative consequence can occur as an

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

T.C. Boyle Writes of Infidelity Free Essays

Katherine Meyer English 1100 Sec. 131 November 4th, 2008 Indefinitely Infantile Infidelity As an apparent defiance of one of the Ten Commandments, Adultery, the act of voluntary sexual involvement between a married individual and someone whom is not his or her spouse is a widely frowned upon taboo that disregards social norms. Staying true to his style and content by pushing the envelope on controversial topics such as this in his writing, T. We will write a custom essay sample on T.C. Boyle Writes of Infidelity or any similar topic only for you Order Now C. Boyle frequently addresses the theme of adultery throughout many of his short stories.Reoccurring in the selections â€Å"Caviar† and â€Å"All Shook Up† adultery takes on a disturbing component of the stories as the main characters similarly get caught up in the unacceptable. With differing motives, paralleling sexual interests and desires, as well as converse outcomes for the two men defying the sacred vows they once made under holy matrimony, Boyle weaves two complex stories of deceit and malice. Adultery outside the world of fiction is committed for an infinite number of reasons; attempted justifications that can roll on for miles.In these particular stories, aside from their irrepressible habitual instincts, the main characters Mr. Trimpie and Patrick in â€Å"Caviar† and â€Å"All Shook up† have differing objectives when they decide to officially sever the vows they once made to their wives. The differing motives for each man’s imprudent acts against the principles of marriage cover a broad spectrum of rationale. Leading to his downfall, In â€Å"Caviar† the central character Mr. Trimpie finds himself unable to reproduce with his sterile wife, Marie. Although he is not to blame for the fruitless attempts at an offspring as Boyle describes, â€Å"The bad news was that Marie’s ovaries were shot† (109) it is apparent that his own insecurities in addition to other factors brand him vulnerable and susceptible to bad judgment, such as infidelity. This vulnerability presents itself when he frequently references his lack of education and wealth throughout the story as seen here, â€Å"I was on the wrong end of the socioeconomic ladder, if you know what I mean† (106).As a surrogate mother is introduced into the picture and becomes pregnant with his natural child, Mr. Trimpie suddenly finds himself hot for the young carrier. The flustered young man expressed, â€Å"The thought of it, of my son floating around in his own little sea just behind the sweet bulge of her belly†¦ well, it inflamed me, got me mad with lust and passion and spiritual love too† (114). This reveals that the motivation behind Mr. Trimpi e’s act of adultery was not purely the result of meaningless attraction or fragile insecurity though. The feeble father consequently ends up falling in love with the biological mother of his child and is unable to restrain himself. Intercourse with Wendy, the young stand-in mother becomes a frequent occurrence for the covetous husband stigmatizing him a cheater once and for all. Mr. Trimpie’s counter character, Patrick, found in Boyle’s short story entitled â€Å"All Shook Up† has his own prerogative concerning his execution of adultery in his story. Patrick’s wife, Judy, disappeared with another man prior to a newlywed couple, Cindy and Joey conveniently moving next door.Initially compelled to Cindy because of her sultry, suggestive manner, Patrick recalls a late night after what started out as a neighborly dinner, â€Å"She was kneeling beside me on the couch; then she kicked her leg out as if mounting a horse and brought her knee softly between my legs until I could feel the pressure lighting up my groin† (126). Still exhibiting his wedding band on the left ring finger, Patrick engages in the act of infidelity with Cindy shortly after this night. Describing the event, Patrick stated, â€Å"She felt good, and a little strange: she wasn’t Judy† (130). Based on his assessment of the night, Boyle alludes to the reader that Patrick is still yearning for his wife. Patrick bluntly conveys, â€Å"I felt evil and betrayed and wanted his wife because I had wounds to salve and because she was there† (127). The meaningless sex with Cindy was an attempt to fill a void and heal the pain from Judy’s abandonment.In addition to his emotionless mind-set concerning Cindy and their intercourse, his lack of concern towards the young woman becomes more evident as he confirms, â€Å"I should have held her, I guess, should have probed deep in my counselor’s lexicon for words of comfort and assurance, but I didn’t† (130). Patrick views Cindy as well as their dance, as nothing more than a physical encounter, ruling out any deeper vehicle of motivation for his actions. Although the two men have contrasti ng motivations driving their less than admissible behaviors, they do however share common ground concerning their sexual interests and desires. Mr. Trimpie and Patrick alike are attracted to barely pubescent young girls who entice them with their youthful sex appeal. From the story â€Å"Caviar,† the pedophilic character Mr. Trimpie responds to the news of Wendy’s growing belly as follows: â€Å"I grinned like an idiot, thrilled at the way the panties grabbed her thighs- white nylon dancing pink flowers- and how her little pointed breasts were beginning to strain at the brassiere. I wanted to put my tongue in her naval† (113).Asserting such a disturbing observation, it is obvious that this man finds Wendy’s juvenile body parts, as well as childish undergarments as much of a turn on as the fact that she is carrying his child. Staying true to the paralleling interest in adolescent females, in the short story â€Å"All Shook Up,† Cindy, the woman Patrick kanoodles with is also a young lady who exerts her youthful charm on the much older man. Describing Cindy, Pat states, â€Å"She was wearing a halter top and gym shorts, her hair was pinned up, and her perfect little toes looked freshly painted† (121).His innocent depiction of a young girl standing at his front door exudes sexual frustration. Evident in this passage, Boyle writes: â€Å"I wanted her like a forbidden fruit, wanted her like I’d wanted half of the knocked-up, washed-out, defiant little twits who paraded through my office each year† (127). Just as disturbing as Mr. Trimpie’s erotic observations of Wendy, this passage is Patrick’s confession that he too secretly craves the taste of a freshly ripened young woman. Further emphasizing the two men’s interest in similar types of women, Boyle disguises coincidental details with reference to the women in his text.Boyle illustrates Wendy in the short story â€Å"Caviar† by stating, â€Å"Her eyes were gray, and there was a violet clock in the right one† (121). Resembling Wendy’s gray eyes, Cindy in â€Å"All Shook Up† is described in the same manner: â€Å"Her eyes were gray, the color of drift ice on the river† (111). Both men who commit the infidelity identify with one another in regards to their type of secondary woman. Both acts of adultery have serious impacts on the lives of Mr. Trimpie and Patrick. Although cheating on a spouse typically results in formidable outcomes, the aftermath for each of the two men in â€Å"Caviar† and â€Å"All Shook Up† are surprisingly converse. How to cite T.C. Boyle Writes of Infidelity, Papers